Simple Tools of Awareness and Harnessing Power

Navigating the Pandemic

Lately, I’ve been forced to revisit the depths and inner layers of my being. Stop, rest, listen to my heart, emotions, and observe the chatter within me and floating around me. In my seemingly solitude, a volcano of energy abounds from the events and world in turmoil during this pandemic (plandemic) — the government becomes more transparent showing its lack of empathy for its citizens, structures are falling and what was which held us together seems more of a snag drowned in polarity and heated debate than factual reality — in fact we are fighting for reality and questioning what is, what was, and what will be.

Dreams and Spiritual – Emotional Healing

I remembered my dream wholeheartedly, having witnessed a movie 🍿 🎥 scene in a quantum portal of my former actors (as players of my past life or present life) in this incarnation. Something that should have logically caused disruption or pain simply didn’t exist, it wasn’t a memory or part of any triggered trauma. I wonder if it was my recent work of letting go of my past that resulted in this seemingly new quantum relationship with my past experiences and memories. I didn’t awaken smiling in bliss, but I did observe the experience. It was absent of anger, grief or hurt of any kind, and for this, it was an immense blessing. The spiritual – emotional work I had done in 2019 showed up through this dream in the form of transmutation.
Transmutation is one of the 12 Laws of the Universe states that all non physical energy is always moving into physical form. It further states that the one can take in of energy and bending ( changing and transmuting) it to your will to achieve something greater is plausible.

Reclaiming Your Birthright

I woke this morning with the urge to “be” and embody not see or experience anything outside of myself, but with the most intimate existential experiential encounter.

Breathing. Yoga. Qigong. Draw cards — a reading 📖. Mantras— Commands and prayers. Awareness and inner joy all before noon.


Our breaths are cosmic. “Out of consciousness comes Mind; out of Mind comes physical universe. Mind desired physical existence and so evolved a body in which to manifest itself.” Swami Rama further states in “Science of the Breath, A Practical Guide,” “pra” means “first unit,” while “na” means “energy” — prana is the vital energy of the universe. The whole universe being projected out of “Akasha” or “space.” Thus if you want to connect instantly to the universe, your cosmic self, your inner self, et al, simply breathe! Breath means spirit. Want to be spiritual? Breathe! Feeling out of touch or off center? Breathe.

Yoga and Qigong

How do you relieve kinks in the body? Move it! Yoga and qigong are perfect physical exercises that are gentle enough to get you going and moving in the right direction. They are mood enhancers and shapeshifters starting with the body, through the body energy moves and circulates- heats and cools- the nervous system and energy centers ( chakras) are ignited and while breathing intentionally— transformation takes place in the moment. While Yoga is called the union of sun and moon, qigong is referred to as “walking or moving meditation.” Each ancient discipline providing all encompassing alchemical molecular and biochemical healing allowing you to feel more at one with self and all things. 😊

Card Readings and Divination

Cartomancy is an “old world” form of divination used in the ancient world. I’ve recently studied some old world history and cards finding this practice of divination as early as the 1200s in Moorish eras between continents and trade routes from Persia to Phoenician cities along the Iberian Peninsula of Spain, Italy and France.

I was delighted to discover that what I craved spiritually was a form of metaphysical science many ancestors had mastery and greater understanding. One of my favorite decks is The Mayan Oracle, Return Path to the Stars, Ariel Spilsbury and Michael Bruner. I had this deck back in 2008 or 2009 and had to search for a new deck last fall. It’s one of my favorite books and brings me closer to ancient Mayan Xi (Olmec) astrological symbology and wisdom allowing me to reflect and meditate on spiritual meaning and insights.

Mantras and Words of Power

Within the Mayan Oracle reading and book, are mantras you can speak aloud as verbal meditation or frequency attunement. Words that hold power or rather all words hold power— It’s our individual responsibility to stay in the grace of awareness and intent intentionally speak our frequency through words that uplift, attune, unite and empower on higher frequency.

Ahau star ⭐️ glyph speaks of the Central Sun ☀️ not only the outer sun but igniting, cultivating and awakening our Inner Sun to radiate, cleanse, shine the light body we are born with in this incarnation. This union, wholeness, ascension through unconditional love is the solar mastery and limitless “corona” Christ Consciousness that is our true birthright! Ahau is a reminder of this ancient “kinnection” our ancient ancestral connection to divinity, a DNA code activation that is at the core of this incarnation, our matrix fractal mind, body, spirit. The mantra, “I am that I am” of both power and universal truth.

In Love, Empowerment and Prosperity


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